

The Current Beauty Standards
and How Teenage Girls are Affected by Them

When teenage girls spend hours and hours on social media, they begin to wonder why
they don’t have an hourglass figure, or a snatched face with sharp cheekbones...


Bollywood Movies
with Some Really Toxic Male Protagonists

Time and again, we have questioned the much-debated aspect of Bollywood culture -
the portrayal of toxic masculinity. In the 70s, the male characters on screen...


The Fitness Routine Followed
by your Favourite Female Athletes

For three young athletes, the early-morning grind is the foundation of their success.
Goalkeeper Janine Gordon, gymnast Nastasya Generalova...


9 Tips for Starting Your Business in College

Devoting time and energy to a business venture is, as many entrepreneurs are aware,
a full-time job in and of itself. Starting a business takes courage at any age...