My experience of the web development course was a very positive one overall. I really enjoyed myself and ended up obsessing on VSCode for long hours in order to improve my assignments to my satisfaction.

The main thing that the web development course has given me is that it’s brought the idea of developing and coding closer to me as a person. Before, as a humanities / communications student, the idea of coding the websites that I was looking through for information and writing the content of seemed like something that I wouldn’t ever touch. The course has helped break this mammoth-seeming idea into smaller, more manageable chunks that I could actually work on and get started with learning. It also gave me confidence that I will still be able to learn more about web development after the course has ended, and apply those concepts within coding I do in the future.

Just a note: The group work this semester was highly enjoyable as well! We ended up spending a good amount of time perfecting the website and smoothing out tiny details, and I think that honestly was some of the most fun I've had with an assignment.